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The 10 Commandments of Group Chats

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Group chats: the digital jungle where emojis, memes, and chaos reign supreme. They’re a mix of love, frustration, and unread messages that you’re too scared to scroll through. To survive—and maybe even thrive—here are the 10 unspoken commandments of group chats. Follow them, and you just might stay sane.

Commandment 1: Thou Shalt Mute Notifications

If you don’t mute the group chat, prepare for your phone to sound like a fire alarm at 2 a.m. Mute is your friend. Use it. Love it. Cherish it.

Commandment 2: Thou Shalt Not Spam “Hi” Without Context

A single “Hi” followed by hours of radio silence is a cardinal sin. If you’re starting the conversation, say why you’re here—unless your goal is to drive everyone slowly mad.

Commandment 3: Thou Shalt Avoid Texting “LOL” for No Reason

If your only contribution to the chat is “LOL,” rethink your strategy. We get it, you laughed. But what are you adding to the conversation? Step it up, Karen.

Commandment 4: Thou Shalt Not Overuse Gifs

Gifs are great, but sending 14 of them in a row? That’s a fast track to being muted. Use them sparingly, like seasoning on a good meal—not like you’re dumping the entire spice rack.

Commandment 5: Thou Shalt Read Before Asking

Don’t be that person who skips 47 messages and asks, “What’s going on?” Scroll up, Linda. The answers you seek are right there.

Commandment 6: Thou Shalt Not Abandon the Group

Leaving the group chat without warning is like walking out of a family dinner mid-meal. If you must leave, at least drop a dramatic “It’s not you, it’s me” exit message.

Commandment 7: Thou Shalt Not Share Cryptic Messages

Posting “OMG, I can’t believe this!” and then disappearing is just cruel. Spill the tea or stay silent. Don’t leave us hanging in suspense.

Commandment 8: Thou Shalt Respect the Meme Ratio

A good group chat thrives on memes, but remember the ratio: for every three memes, contribute one actual message. Keep it balanced, people.

Commandment 9: Thou Shalt Use Polls Wisely

Polls are for real decisions, like choosing a restaurant or scheduling a hangout. They’re not for “What’s better: pizza or tacos?” (It’s pizza. We all know it’s pizza.)

Commandment 10: Thou Shalt Keep It Drama-Free

If you’ve got beef, don’t air it out in the group chat. Unless, of course, the drama is hilarious and involves screenshots. Then by all means, proceed.


Group chats are wild, unpredictable, and sometimes annoying—but they’re also where friendships are forged, memes are shared, and plans are sort-of made. Follow these commandments, and you’ll earn your rightful place as a respected citizen of the group chat jungle. Or, at the very least, you’ll avoid getting muted.

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